Check Formatting - Paid Feature

Need to do a proofread? What if the app could do some of the work for you? Common errors such as blank lines, dialogue using parenthetical, extra spacing, etc. are easily missed in basic proofreading and can be time-consuming to find. This feature offers a way to find these types of errors easily and quickly.

For quick access to this and similar features, add the Analysis widget to your layout.

Note: This feature is available with a paid subscription. Update your subscription today!

Learn more about how to format your screenplay.

Check Document for Errors

  1. Select Tools > Check Formatting
    1. The Check Formatting widget will appear on the right side of the display
  2. Check or uncheck the box for each formatting errors you would like to check for
  3. Select Find Errors
    1. Errors will be highlighted in Pink.
  4. Click on a line containing an error.
    1. A description of the selected error will appear under the Find Errors button.
  5. Edit the line to fix the error.
  6. Scroll down to the next highlighted error or select Find Errors to move to next.
  7. Continue until all errors have been viewed and corrected.
  8. To close, select the triangle in the top right of the widget
  9. Select Close Check Formatting

Check Formatting tool running with an error highlighted

Line should be an Action line rather than a Dialogue line.

Formatting Errors We Can Check For

  • Dialogue containing () – Parenthetical statements should not be used as part of Dialogue as they do not come across in spoken language. This will detect any instances of this.
  • Dialogue w/o Character - If text has been typed in the Dialogue format but does not have a Character name entered above it, it is an error and will be detected.
  • Character w/o Dialogue - Any Character name with no dialogue below it will be detected.
  • Parenthetical missing () - Detects text in the Parenthetical format with no parentheses around it.
  • Character ending with ‘:’ - Detects if a colon has been placed after a Character name when beginning Dialogue.
  • Action more than 4 lines - Action lines should be short and sweet. Anything over 4 lines should be edited to a shorter version. If more than one action is being described, separate them into multiple action lines.
  • Character typo - Detects words that might be misspelled Character names.
  • Similar names - Detects names with similar spellings or sounds that may be confusing in a storyline.
  • Extra spacing - Detects unnecessary spacing.
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