Hide Inline Notes - Pro Feature

Hide all inline Note lines from view. It is great to be able to use the Note line type to leave notes in the script; however, sometimes you would like to hide them from view.
* Note: This feature is available with a paid subscription. Update your subscription today!

Generate a Non-notes Report

  1. Select Reports > Hide Inline Notes
  2. The open script will now hide all Note lines and Non-notes Report will show as active in the Modes widget on the right of the display.
    1. To retain the content as is, export as a PDF.
    2. A Document Statistics report or any other report can be run on it. 
    3. Editing this content will apply to the main document as this is only a filtered view of the main document's contents.
    4. To return to the full script, close the report in the Modes widget.
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