Manage Your Subscription

The moment you sign up, you have a Free subscription that does not expire. Paid subscriptions are monthly or yearly. You can change or cancel your subscription at any time.

*Note: These actions cannot be completed in the mobile app. To manage your subscription, please log in via your web browser.

View Your Subscription Status

Here you can view what subscription you have, when it renews, and more.

  1. Select your Account icon
  2. Select My Account
    1. Under Manage, you can manage the subscription.

    Change Your Paid Subscription

    1. Select your Account icon
    2. Select My Account
    3. At the far right of your listed subscription, select the three-dot icon under Manage
    4. Select Change plan
    5. Select Open purchase page
      1. This will take you to the purchasing page to purchase the desired plan. We will automatically cancel the existing plan.
    6. Complete the purchase of the new plan

    Pause Your Paid Subscription

    1. Select your Account icon
    2. Select My Account
    3. At the far right of your listed subscription, select the three-dot icon under Manage
    4. Select Pause subscription
      1. Pausing your subscription lets you stay locked in at your current rate
      2. We send an email reminder 3 days before your subscription reactivates
      3. Reactivation and billing happen automatically
    5. Select the desired pause length
      1. 1 month pause
      2. 2 month pause

    Cancel Your Paid Subscription

    If you must go... Canceling means you will lose access to unlimited projects and revisions, real-time collaboration, advanced tools and features, and more. You will not lose access to your projects and can continue to use WriterDuet as a Free subscriber. For additional cancellation questions, please reach out to us at

    1. Select your Account icon
    2. Select My Account
    3. At the far right of your listed subscription, select the three-dot icon under Manage
    4. Select Cancel subscription
    5. Select the desired reason for canceling
    6. Share any details about the reason for canceling
    7. Select Submit and continue
    8. Select Unsubscribe
      1. Your subscription will be canceled at the end of the period you have paid for. 
      2. This will not affect your access to existing projects owned or shared and you will still have access to WriterDuet Free.
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